Stewards & Committee Representatives


1356 Keele Transportation (1) Gabriel Nedelea
1356 Keele Housing (1) Anton Perera
1356 Keele Custodial (Days) (2)  Rucky Perera
1356 Keele Custodial (Evenings) (2) Marisa Politi, Alex Gessessec
1356 Keele Custodial (Nights) (2) Stuart Scott, Nancy Calderon
1356 Keele Grounds, Fleet, Waste Management Vacant
1356 Keele Maintenance (1) Vacant
1356 Keele Maintenance/Grounds (Evenings) (1) Piotr Holody
1356-1 Keele Parking (1) Colleen Ferreira
1356-1 Keele Security Services (1) Dzmitry Holubev
1356-1 Keele 1356-1 Members @ Large (2) Gerald Melanson (S)
1356-2 Keele CCTV & GO Safe (2 members at large) Hajir Tahhan, Hassan Rana
1356-2 Keele CCTV & Go Safe (2 members at large)
1356 Glendon Glendon (Days) (1) Vacant
1356 Glendon Glendon (Nights) (1) Vacant
1356-1 Glendon Parking & Security (1) Vacant
1356-2 Glendon Glendon Student Parking & Go Safe (1) Vacant








Labour Management

Frank D’Agostino 1356
Piotr Holody 1356
Rocco Biafore 1356
Colleen Ferreira 1356-1
Jessy Depetrillo 1356
Charlie Wryland 1356-1
Anton Perera 1356
Dzmitry Holubev 1356-1

Joint Return To Work / Benefit Specialists


Karen Savage, Leleith Christopher 1356
Jeff Hutchings , Charlie Wryland 1356 & 1356-1
Colleen Ferreira, Seetha Wigneswaran 1356-1


Health & Safety

Piotr Holody (Co-Chair) 1356
Lucy Canlas 1356 (Housing)
1356 (Maintenance)
Piotr Holody 1356 (Afternoons)
Florante Cornista 1356 (Custodial Nights)
1356 (Grounds)
Frank Falletta 1356-1 (Parking)
Daniel Murton (Grounds/Maintenance) 1356 (Glendon)
Rene Saint-Andre 1356-1 (Glendon Security)

Joint Training Program Committee

Frank D’ Agostino 1356
Rocco Biafore 1356
Charlie Wryland & Ramoen Itwaru (Security) 1356-1
Colleen Ferreira (Parking) 1356-1

Cupe Issues Meeting

Frank D’ Agostino, Piotr Holody 1356
Jessy Deprtrillo, Anton Perera 1356
Charlie Wryland, Colleen Ferreira 1356-1

All University Pension Committee

Frank D’Agostino 1356
Colleen Ferreira 1356-1

Advisory Board of the Retirement Centre

Frank D’ Agostino 1356