York University campus safety workers are fighting for a fair contract

As part of the York University campus, CUPE Local 1356-02 members are proud to help foster a safe community that allows higher education to flourish. goSAFE staff accompany people on their walk home. CCTV workers monitor our security systems. We are proud of our work making sure everyone feels safe. Because of us, there is no need for an outside police presence on our campus. Our members are students at York, and may even be your classmates.

The university undervalues our work

While tuition costs increase along with the steep rise in the price of food and housing, York University has proposed to keep campus safety workers below a living wage in Toronto. It is unreasonable to ask workers performing such an important responsibility in the York University community to get by without a living wage.

Bonuses for university executives, low wages for safety workers

While there always seems to be money in the budget to give the university’s top administration large salary increases and bonuses, they refuse to allocate some funds towards making sure safety workers are properly compensated. This shows how out of touch York’s leadership is with the realities that students and working people face in our city.

York University says “no” to three paid sick days

Campus safety workers are a crucial part of the campus, and must interact with many members of the public at all hours. Despite this public-facing responsibility, York University’s administration refuses to grant paid sick days to our members. Meanwhile, federally regulated workers are now entitled to ten paid sick days under law. We don’t want to come to work sick for the benefit of everyone’s health. York University should have your health in mind, too.

Click here to tell York University’s Administration that campus safety workers deserve a fair deal