Membership Meetings & Locations

Regular Membership Meeting


Sunday April 13th, 3:00pm


 (All Stewards Meeting 2:30pm)


*** Zoom Meeting Only ***


Regular Business

Executive Report & Recommendations

Committee Reports

Nominations & Election

Election for: (members from last meeting will only receive the voting link***)

Sergeant at Arms (Seetha Wigneswaran & Stuart Scott)

Nomination & Election for:

1356-1 Security Bargaining Committee Member

Canvasing for 1 Benefit Specialist:


Unfinished Business

New Business


Please click on the check your email to register for the meeting. 

Please enter: 

1. Your name

2. Your position/department


Once I receive your registration, it will be approved, and you will then receive the meeting link.



**If you hear that an employee has not received this notice, please ask them to send me an email so I can send them an email.

(Please note, to attend the meeting on the day of, you can use video or use the number in the email to call in over your phone)

PLEASE NOTE:  if there is an election that you are voting in, you will need to be at a device that you can access your email that you registered with