CUPE 1356 Statement on violence in Israel and Palestine

CUPE 1356 grieves the loss of life brought by the violence in Israel and Palestine.  We are horrified by the Hamas attack on Israel and the retribution by the State of Israel on the people of Palestine and condemn all acts of violence against innocent civilians.

Therefore, CUPE 1356 calls for:

  • An immediate implementation of a permanent ceasefire in Gaza and demand the Canadian government impose an arms embargo on Israel as a response to the calls of action from Palestinian trade unions;
  • An immediate end to the illegal blockade in Gaza, for the restoration of humanitarian aid, and for the allowance of access to basic necessities of life;
  • The safe and immediate return of all hostages and civilians being held in detention without charge;
  • York University administration to stop its censorship of critical scholarship on Israel-Palestine that undermines the anti-racist and decolonization efforts they claim to support.


  • The ongoing military assault on Gaza has resulted in a massive loss of civilian life, displacement of over 80% of the Palestinian populations in Gaza, and destruction or damage to over 70% of the infrastructure;
  • The toll of civilian deaths and injuries in Gaza, comprising two-thirds women and children, are unprecedented in both speed and impact within modern history;
  • The United Nations reports that Gaza is teetering on the brink of famine as a result of the Israeli government’s blockade, which has prevented the entry of essential supplies to support life, including food, water, and electricity;
  • The International Court of Justice (ICJ), the highest international legal court, has ruled the military operation in Gaza qualifies as a plausible case of genocide;
  • Both CUPE National and CUPE Ontario have called for a ceasefire because it is imperative that our union upholds the principles of solidarity, human rights, justice, and the protection of civilians in conflict zones.

CUPE has long recognized the need for the Israeli government to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian territories and abide by UN resolutions and international law. The full siege that has now been declared on Gaza by Israel will worsen conditions for residents who are already struggling and deny the population of food, water, electricity, and other necessities for life. It will not hasten a peaceful resolve.

CUPE stands in solidarity with all who struggle for genuine peace and justice in the region, and we call on the Canadian government to do the same.